Scripture Prayers – Encouragement For the Pray-er

“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. “

Isaiah 40:11


I don’t know what it is about this passage, but I’ve always loved it. It’s very comforting to me when I read it. It gives me confidence to continue on in my parenting, knowing that He gently and with patience (not harshly and with irritation) leads me as I parent my young children. It is good to know that I am being led, that I am within the fold of His flock. He is watching over me as I parent and will make sure that I am on the right path. That gives me sweet relief.


Imagine my delight as I stumbled upon this favorite of mine converted into a prayer in “Praying the Scriptures for Y*ur Children” by J*die Berndt.


“Lord, you promise to tend your flock like a shepherd. Gather my children like lambs in your arms and carry them close to your heart. And, just as you promise to gently lead those that have young, teach us, as parents, how to lead and guide and care for our children.”


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