Something to Chew On

“Life doesn’t get easier, it just gets different.”

I ran across this quote today and now I’m chewing on it. Some older, wiser mom said it to me back when I was in that phase of life where I was swimming in diapers and wanted nothing more than to be done with it all. It made me do some thinking then and now I’m meditating on it again.

There’s quite a bit of truth in it. We move from diapers, the dumping of toys and picking up little shoes everywhere to other things. We move from crying to whining to children who have minds of their own. Now they try to negotiate and sometimes talk back. Or maybe they just don’t ever stop talking…

We move from pitching fits to attitudes to heart issues. The more I think about, I’d have to say that I absolutely agree with the quote above. Some days it makes me want to go back those days when they just cried and all I had to do was “fix it.”

Hmm…so if it really doesn’t get easier, it just gets different, how can I change my attitude about today? I have this quote in my kitchen that says, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” So if we are waiting for it to get easier and it really isn’t going to get easier, how can we find a way to be grateful for the way it is–exactly as it is today?

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4 Replies to “Something to Chew On”

  1. Annie

    That is probably true! I have children from 9-25 and realize now that every stage has its challenges. Every child has his/her challenges. There are, actually, some times that are “easier” than others, but you can always count on THAT coming to an end!