
Life is full of surprises. That was solidified for me this morning when I woke up to six newborn rabbits in the cage of our male rabbit. Did you catch that? We thought we were raising two male rabbits. Apparently not.

Life is full of surprises and as my Monday got off to an unexpected start and kinda went wonky from there, I found the anxieties of life multiplying like rabbits. (Ha, ha. I couldn’t pass that one up.) About mid-afternoon, when the weight in my chest couldn’t get any heavier, it hit me. Life is full of surprises to me, but nothing is a surprise to Him. So why was I letting the worries of life weigh me down?

From our pregnant female rabbit giving life to six little bunnies to the need for a service dog and the fundraising that goes with it to still being in this place of unemployment. None of it is a surprise to Him. When life gives me surprises, I have a choice to make–I can either embrace it and laugh like I did at first discovery this morning or I can let it weigh me down and miss out on the joy the surprise brings.


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