Preparing for Court

Laundry is running its cycle, clean clothes are being folded, suitcases are being pulled out and Russian phrases are playing in the background–evidence that in less than a week we will be in Eastern Europe standing in court on behalf of her. Some months go really fast and some go painfully slow. July was a slow one, but August is Continue Reading →

Doing YOUR Part

As I have had this opportunity to write out His story through her story, I have had a front seat view of the hands and feet of Jesus. This past weekend, we had some pretty incredible people come together and give what they could to multiply the effect by working together, leading to some astounding results. We are fully funded. Our friends, Continue Reading →

Her Shoes

These little pink, shiny shoes make me ridiculously excited. Especially because Littlest One noticed that these pink, shiny shoes that I couldn’t pass up for her are the exact same size as these shoes! Anyone remember their significance?

Hearts Connected

As we walked along the paths to the play yard, in search of our daughter, it was never far from our minds that this was our last day with her. Her groupa was already headed outside, but once we caught up with them and called her name, a moment unfolded that I hope to never forget. We called her name, Continue Reading →

Simple Truth

Upon our arrival, we were greeted with the news that our daughter began looking for us outside the windows this morning and began pitching a fit when she thought we were not coming. That is good news, friends! That means she is looking forward to our time together and that she remembers us. The bad news is that we only Continue Reading →

Meeting Day

Since February when I first saw her picture, I have been waiting for this day. This was the day when our world collided with our daughter’s. What a sweet time it was. From the moment she walked into the room, she was curious. The surroundings of the play room were new to her and she was intent on exploring it Continue Reading →

YOU are a Part of Her Story

As He’s unfolded His story through her story, somehow with me in the role as storyteller, I have been struck again and again by the fact that her story reaches far and wide, probably even farther than I will ever know. I am awed by how many people have already written in her figurative “life book” before she’s even arrived in Continue Reading →