As I sit here thinking about what to write on this Thanksgiving Eve, I can’t help but take the time to reflect on what I am grateful for. I fear it may be forgotten in the fury of hosting both sides of the family for the holiday. I have challenged myself to go beyond the generic thank yous. These are not in order by any means, just as they flow from my mind.
I started out my day by listening to a powerful message and it reminded me that the rest of the world lives on $2/day. We look at them as if they are odd, but the reality is that we Americans are the odd ones. We say we are broke, but in reality we are nowhere near broke. Even when we have no money in our pockets, we still have much. For that, I am thankful. I am thankful for the bounty He has given me.
I am thankful for my husband. I am thankful that he is my best friend, a great husband, a good father and that he makes sure our marriage stays spicy! I am thankful that he knows me so well, even my flaws and still continues to love me. I am thankful that he believes in me more than I believe in myself–he is the wind beneath my wings. I am thankful that he works so hard to make sure I feel loved and to keep the lines of communication open. I am thankful that he loves what he does and works so hard to provide for our family. I am thankful he has a job and that it brings in a steady income.
I am thankful for my children. I am thankful for all of their shoes and toys that I trip over while walking through my home because it means that I have them–children. Many people in the world would give anything to have a child and I am fortunate enough to have a quiver full. I am thankful that for all of their dirty clothes I must wash because it means they have a choice of clothing to wear each day.
I am thankful for the character of my children and how their personalites are so different. They bring me joy and laughter. They challenge me and make me dependent on my Lord. They teach me things I never knew before because I did not have siblings. They flesh out the stuff of me that I need to change and are ever-patient with me when I am a less-than-stellar mom. There is nothing like one of their hugs, kisses or whispers of their love for me. I love those moments when I finally sit down on the couch and they fight over who is going to sit next to me because they all want the best seat in the house–the one next to mom. Sometimes I grumble about those moments because they always want me to rub their back, but when I really think about it…I am thankful I have their backs to rub.
I am thankful for good health–in myself, my husband and my children. I am thankful that in those rare moments that we do get sick, we bounce back and it’s not life-threatening. I am thankful that we have one another to comfort each other in our sickness. I am thankful for kleenex to wipe noses, band-aids to cover wounds and that medicine is readily available if we need it.
I am thankful for extended family–that the majority of them live in town. What a blessing to be able to rely on one another or to just “pop in” for a visit. Although holiday family gatherings can be stressful, I am thankful that we bother to gather and remember where we came from. I’m glad we can share a meal with them because gathering around a table conveys a message of acceptance. I’m thankful to have families that offer unconditional love to us.
I am thankful to not only have an abundance of food on our table, but to also have a pantry full. I am thankful to have a choice and a variety when we eat each meal. I am thankful that we can eat 3x per day and sometimes even snacks in between. I am thankful to live in an area that has bountiful produce and farmer’s markets that we can access on a regular basis. I am thankful that I have the skills to cook healthy meals for my family and that I enjoy doing it! I am also thankful for such easy access to clean water to drink.
I am thankful that we not only have a car to travel in, but that we have TWO of them! I am thankful that our family car is large enough to carry our whole family and still bring a few friends along. I am grateful for gas in my car. I am grateful we have bikes to ride, if we choose–that we even have that choice! I am thankful that we have these modes of transportation and do not have to walk everywhere.
I am thankful for having a shelter over our heads and that we can call it home. I am thankful to have a heater and air conditioner that work. I am thankful that there is furniture in our home and that each one of us had a bed to sleep in. It strikes me that many of us Americans think it is a right of our children to each have a room of their own. In many countries they share a bed–if they even have one at all. Hmm, I’ll be satisfied that my children are gaining a wealth of experience by sharing a room and that they have a bed to sleep in with warm blankets. I am thankful for electricity because when the power goes out, it makes me realize how much I take it for granted.
I am thankful for good friends–friends who know me and still want to be my friend! Friends that encourage me, allow me to confide in them and to pray alongside me through this journey called life. I am thankful for friends that know my husband and his favorite topic and love him anyway too! 🙂 I am thankful for the laughter and good times. I am thankful for times away with friends to sip a cup of coffee or to knit and crochet together while the kids run wild around us. I am thankful for friends that embrace my family and never seem burdened by my children or the size of our family. What a blessing to have friends that I don’t hang out with as often, but we pick up in a heartbeat because they are “lifers.” What could be better than friends who share their bounty and work together to create a community that feels like family?
And for those out there who believe in me by reading my blog. Thanks for thinking I have something to offer and for encouraging me to press on. Thanks for asking me questions and believing I might really have an answer! And thanks to those who actually leave comments so that I know I am not writing to myself. I am thankful for you. May you hold your head up and a smile be on your face as you celebrate the holiday of thankfulness because you, my friend–just like me, have much to be thankful for.
Even if none of these things I listed existed, we all have something to be thankful for–we have a God who loves us and created us for a purpose. He knows us by name and we bring Him pleasure. We have a God who sacrificed His Son so that we can boldly approach His throne and have a personal relationship with Him. AND FOR THAT, THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH WORDS IN THE WORLD TO BE ABLE TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE.
I loved reading this. I started reading it on Thanksgiving but I wanted to enjoy it so I just made myself a Caramel Macchiato and savored it. Wonderful! And you’re welcome 😉 If you are ever on this side of town, I would love to have you guys over or even watch your kiddos. Zachary and Emilie would LOVE to play!
What a great post! Thank you for pouring yourself onto the blog for all of us to be inspired.
I’m thinking through our Thanksgiving blog myself. There’s so much to say…we are all so blessed.
Have a great Thanskgiving!
Very touching, my friend. I’ve been thinking through a lot of the same levels of thankfulness these last few days. Loved seeing how the Francis Chan sermon challenged you too. I’m certainly thanful for your writing.
Enjoy your Feastgiving!