Worth It

You ever have one of those experiences in life where you wonder what in the world you were thinking when you signed up? Ya, that’s me this week. Our new church, a place of safety and healing, is having their Summer Extreme Days. Extreme they are. Our whole family is either serving or participating for 3 hours every day, plus Continue Reading →

Real to Reel Pawsitive

Between the school year coming to a close and all the paperwork that requires, fundraising for Little E’s Autism Service Dog and life in general, I find myself unable to carve out to time to write. Instead, I’ve beenjournaling our life through the lens of my camera.For the sake of keeping it real…here’s a bit from our highlight reel. Pawsitive Continue Reading →


We recently went on a short overnight trip. This trip was made with much trepidation as we were not sure how our Hidden Treasure would fare in this unfamiliar environment. If it was to be anything like those hotel nights in Eastern Europe or the first few months here at home…well, it was gonna be rough. As bedtime drew near, I laid out Continue Reading →


Our Hidden Treasure seems to have this thing about textures. From the food she eats, to the blankets she will not allow to cover her to the funniest things that bring her immense pleasure. From the very get-go she has been taken with cheap, plastic bead necklaces and bracelets–the more the better. Then it was the bright green scarf made Continue Reading →


I have to admit it. I am the kind of person that either has to do something 100% or not at all. So…I haven’t been doing this blog at all. With a homeschooling family of eight adjusting to a new size, I find our life so full that I don’t have the time to sit and write out long thoughts. Continue Reading →