I few weeks back I wrote a post about the menu planning that I do. Shortly after that, I checked a book out of the library that I had heard some good things about and this book has lived up to my expectations. It is called, “Family Feasts for $75 a Week” by Mary Ostyn. Not only does it have some awesome tips on menu planning and how to save some bucks, it’s got some new recipes for me to try. I’m always a sucker for new recipes!
I like that the strategies in this book are simple and attainable. I found that I already do most of these things, but it was still a good read. It has lots of big ideas, but also some good little tips that I’ve gleaned from. The recipes themselves are cooked by a mom of 10 children so I know they cannot be too complex and I like that because the author has adopted from other countries, she incorporates ethnic foods from those countries into their weekly menu. That in itself is reason enough to buy this book!
This book can be bought on-line and should be on local shelves in my area soon. I am looking forward to owning a copy of my own because I have to return it to the library this week. I know it will be a go-to resource in my kitchen for years to come.