
For those of you who have noticed that I have not updated the blog since we’ve been home…we are still alive. Our Hidden Treasure is doing well, but it has been a looooooong first few weeks together as her transition has been…normal. Her transition has been different and harder than DOP, but yet it is more in line with what is normal. It has been like having a baby again, having to go backward in many ways, but yet we are finally in a place of goodness. A place where we are not dragging through each day because we are tired from being up all night. A place of seeing her eat like a toddler and not a baby. A place of blooming.

Give me just a bit more time and I will hopefully have my brain back so this blog can reach higher on my list of things to do and share with you our journey over the last few weeks. Our Hidden Treasure has been a light in a dark time. I have journaled the gift after gift we see through her. I will share it soon…


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3 Replies to “Alive”

  1. Trisha, Duane, and Family

    She is so adorable and looks like she is blooming;-). Congrats and enjoy!!! We are finished (thank the Lord) and are now an adjusted family of 10. I need to update my blog, but, have been extremely busy. I will graduate after 4 more classes with my Master’s Degree in forensic psychology. What’s next??? Only our precious Lord knows…Blessings and much love…Trisha and Family

  2. Lisa

    Thank you for choosing eucharisteo even in a hard time. Knowing you just a bit has been a huge blessing for me already.
    Thank you!