Drivers in Training

Right now there are 2 drivers in our car. So far, it looks like there will be at least 4 more drivers when we’re done with this ride. It’s a long ride, maybe this is where that phrase, “Life is a journey, not a destination” comes into play. Right now, my husband and I are the driver/navigator team that sets out the course for our family. Our children are the passengers that are along for the ride and watching our every move so that they will eventually become their own drivers.

You see, that’s what I, as the navigator, keep in my mind’s eye as we drive along. My eventual goal is for my children to become drivers themselves. So what am I doing for them today that prepares them for that eventual role? Doing everything for them and holding their hand constantly won’t do any good. Yes, there is a time for that, but for the most part, I consider every day an opportunity to train my children for their eventual role as adults. Sometimes it’s the big stuff. Sometimes it’s the little stuff, but I have to continually–I mean daily– look into the future and ask myself how what I’m doing today will impact their future and what in the world am I doing about it?

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