Today we celebrate the birth of The Negotiator. It was such fun to go back through pictures to post for you. Sometimes I wish I could just post a whole bunch of the “little preschool” I had going on. 4 under 4…how in the world did I do that? It was a very tough time, but yet I miss it. When I look back at my precious children when they were so little, I wish it would’ve lasted just a little bit longer. I was pretty good about trying to enjoy the moment, but even then, it still went too fast. Someday I’ll have to post a few of the crew. Those who know them now would get a good chuckle as you’d see reflections of who they are today.
For today though, we relish in the gift of The Negotiator. As a younger child, he was quite melancholy. We used to refer to him as Oscar (as in the Grouch) because he rarely smiled and would turn into a pumpkin without fail at 5:00 pm every day. He even continuously wore a bright green sweatshirt with Oscar the Grouch on it. I always knew when he didn’t feel good or was upset because he’d put his hood on. I think it brought him comfort somehow. He was also a Mama’s Boy (and still is today). He can be the life of the party, but yet very introspective. He’s the one to question every decision I make, trying to get me to change my mind and work things in his favor (hence the fact that he struggles with selfishness). In fact, he questions everything. Just today he randomly asked me why the Statue of Liberty is holding a book and a torch. He also wondered if it was modeled after a real person or a made up statue of an unreal person. He just doesn’t accept things at face value.

Oh, the memories!
Happy Birthday Ashton!
Can’t wait to see your future!