Is My Prayer Life Sufficient?

I was listening to a podcast from Catalyst recently where Kay Warren was interviewed. She spoke alot of wisdom, but a segment in particular stood out to me, especially in light of my most recent post about what is on my plate.  The time I first heard the podcast, was right when my friend Mo and I were contemplating 147SpareMoments. This powerful statement by Kay Warren resonated and is still resonating today. Take a peek at her statement and if you have time, listen to the full podcast. (There’s a lot of stuff before her that you can forward through). This quote was about 45 minutes in. May it resonate its truth with you also.

“When I am evaluating what I am supposed to be doing at any given time in ministry, I ask is my prayer life sufficient to cover this? If we really believe that we are to live our lives from the inside out–not from the outside in–then I’ve got to make a commitment to pray for the ministry that I’m involved in. If I can’t–if I don’t have time to pray for this new area or new responsibility that I’m contemplating–DON’T TOUCH IT. Because if you do it, without that commitment and regular prayer for it and yourself as you do it, you’ll be leading from the flesh, you’ll be taking away maybe a ministry that someone else was really supposed to do out of your own pride or ego. If you can’t pray for it, can’t commit to pray for it–DON’T TOUCH IT because it will be of the flesh.”

Do you have time to pray for what you are involved in? Is your prayer life sufficient to cover it?

Link to Kay Warren Catalyst Podcast

You can also download this podcast to your iPhone for free. That’s what I did!


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