Dear Mommy Map readers,
Oh how I love you so, yet you are being left unattended. You see, last week was a wild week and this week is about to get even wilder. I am off into the wild blue yonder with Mini-Me. We are headed to camp. I really didn’t want to continue your neglect (I had plans for auto-posting), but packing for me, Mini-Me and preparing everything for the rest of the crew back at home–well, it was a lot. Yet here is the bright side…in order to beat an expiration date on a free Shutt*rfly album, I completed my first ever album in my last moments before leaving! I actually finished DOP’s adoption journey in pictures (2 years later)! Woot! A miracle has happened in your midst!
Pray for my family here at home this week. Pray for Mini-Me’s first camp experience. Pray for me to be alive when I get back so I can continue writing Mommy Map!
The Navigator