The Mommy Map

Life is an adventure and wouldn’t it be nice if there were a map to follow as we go along? Especially when you become a mom. There aren’t too many things in life that send you spinning off the map more than motherhood. You can read all of the books you want, research on the internet and talk to every person under the sun, but nothing can prepare you for being in charge of that little life.

I can remember the day that my husband and I brought home our first child. I was very experienced with children (or so I thought) and the child raising thing would be no problem. Wow, I was dead wrong on that one! Little did I know that it’s way different being The Mom instead of the babysitter or teacher. Little did I know that every year after that for 3 more years, I would have another baby to bring home. Now that’s certainly not something I had planned out on my life map, but obviously God had something else in mind. I think He had in mind for me to learn a whole lot because I really did and still do learn a lot each day.

I consider each day to be another opportunity to parent with the future in mind. I don’t want to just merely survive each day of motherhood. I want to know that each day is a building block on the future of my children. I know that life has no guarantees, especially as a parent, but I’d like to know that I did my best for my children’s sake. The best way that I have found to do this is by looking down the road of life, not knowing where the twist and turns will be, choosing a destination for my children and mapping out how is the best way to get there. I believe that every decision that I make today will determine whether we, as a family, will stay on the road we’ve chosen to get to that destination. Of course we may end up taking the scenic route every once in a while, take a detour or maybe even have to change roads all together, but I know that if I keep the future destination in mind, we’ll get there–and hopefully all in one piece! I’m banking on the fact that if we keep focused on the goal, our family will get there united and be even better drivers than we were when we started.

So as we drive along this road of life, I invite you to join us and take a peek inside our car and see how we do it. How we make daily decisions with the future destination in mind.

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3 Replies to “The Mommy Map”


    WOW!! I like the title. We may not have a map, but God gave us His Word as instructions. I’m thankful for that.

  2. candice

    Wow! I guess I get to be the very first to leave a comment! 🙂 I don’t have a blogger account…atleast not yet!!! 🙂

    Well, I am excited for you on this new adventure Brandy- laughing about all the things you’re juggling at the moment and now throwing in possibly writing a book as well?!! Glad you’re not teaching till the spring! Hey, blogging is a great way to get some practice and feedback pretty easily- you know me well, I’ll be checking regularly for new posts and if I’m not careful I’ll end up starting one of my own! HA HA!

    Ok, so I love what you wrote already- it is exactly what a lot of moms need to hear. A lot of times, as parents we tend to just see life as something that we are just trying to “get through” and really fail to use each and every moment to teach and train our children while we still have the opportunities at home. “mommy map” is a great title for the vision the Lord has given you, as well as for a book! Keep posting…