Dust and Cobwebs

Blowing off the dust and cobwebs from The Mommy Map. I cannot even tell you why they have been allowed to collect here because I do not know, but yet I cannot deny their existence. Maybe it’s time for a bit of spring cleaning–in my heart, mind and blog too.

God, in His shepherd-like ways, has been nudging me in this direction for awhile, but I have resisted, keeping my fist and heart tightly closed.  Why ever do I do that? I am slowly yielding now, releasing my grip, as He matches my pace out of this place. He is restoring my joy and giving me life abundant. It is slow, but it’s coming.

John 10:10b
“I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.”

One of the ways in which He’s guiding me into the life He intends for me–the full life–is through the reading of Ann Voskamp’s new book release “One Thousand Gifts.” I’m not sure that my words could ever be adequate enough to describe its contents. It is causing me to think through, wrestle and respond to Him in the simple gift of something called Eucharisteo. He is giving me the opportunity every day to practice thanksgiving, joy and grace. Practice, practice, practice. Some days are easier than others, but I’m doing it!

One of those ways is through the simple practice of recording what I am thankful for, having eyes to see the gifts that lie all around me–daily.

1. A chorus of voices harmonized in praise to God.
2. Watching The Talker bloom as I simply stop to listen.

5. Listening to Nana patiently work with a smart, but slow learner.
6. Papa who listens as DOP chatters away, making up stories about King Arthur.

8. The clicking of typing that lulls me to sleep as The Driver works into the night.

10. Quiet moments spent listening to the heart of Mini-Me as she grows into a beautiful woman.

12. A community meal shared with good friends.
13. The quiet of the morning before the day begins.

21. Yummy smelling hand soap to awaken my senses in the midst of the daily grind.
22. A surprise St*rbucks from my mom.

25. An afternoon nap after an early morning start.
26. The snuggling up of a child during that afternoon nap.

30. Kids that can bathe themselves.
31. The simplicity of Taco Soup saving me in a pinch.
32. Vanilla Rooibos Latte
33. Littlest One’s jovial green eyes that mirror mine.

38. Speaking into the lives of other moms.

40. The smell of sweet oranges.

42. The excitement of a child ready for a sleepover.
43. The loudness of laughter.

It’s a simple start, but I am beginning to see that joy, thanksgiving, grace–life abundant–has been here all along it’s just that I was so tightly wound–my eyes so tightly shut–that I couldn’t see it. Will you join me? I’d love it if you’d read the book, but even more so, what I’d really love is to have some people around me that would journey with me–to encourage me to press on when I really don’t want to as I compile my list, practicing day after day how to not just live life, but to live it abundantly.

And something just tells me that as continue to surrender myself to Him, my writing spirit will return.


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3 Replies to “Dust and Cobwebs”

  1. Anna

    Beautiful! My joy all too often gets stolen in dealing with a challenging child. I certainly need practice and encouragement.

  2. The Gilmores

    I’m blessed you are back! I am ready for this journey with you. In many ways, God has been already walking me along this same journey in my own season of waiting and embracing all the things around me that are brimming with grace and His glory. Today I’m thankful that the muse found you, my friend.
    P.S. I’m all about that Vanilla Rooibos Latte. Meet you there. 😉