Sweet Reward
I made a deal with my kids that after they were done with their candy experiments, I would give them each a $5 gift card to St*rbucks or J*amba Juice if they would be willing to throw away all of their Halloween candy (they all chose St*arbucks). Another creative way to rid yourself of the hassles of daily squabbling over Continue Reading →
Be Bold, Mama
Sunday was one of those days that I woke up thinking such and such was going to happen, but by the time I went to bed that night, nothing I’d planned happened. Sometimes that can be frustrating, but this particular day I tried to relax and enjoy what God had in store for me instead. One of the biggest blessings Continue Reading →
Managing My Home – Candy
With Halloween just barely under our belt and the rest of the holidays barreling down on us, I thought I’d broach the subject of candy. It seems to be everywhere in the world of a child–whether it’s as a reward for an accomplishment, a birthday party or just from a kind person that loves to see kids smile. I know Continue Reading →
The Thematic Shepherd
Funny how God works in themes. I just wrote about The Shepherd today. I did not plan this on purpose, but we had Shepherd’s Pie for dinner. It was already on the menu. Think He’s trying to tell me something? In case you can relate…FacebookGoogleTwitterPinterestEmail
Scripture Prayers – Encouragement For the Pray-er
“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. “ Isaiah 40:11 I don’t know what it is about this passage, but I’ve always loved it. It’s very comforting to me when I read it. It gives me confidence to Continue Reading →
The End of The Great Pantry Challenge…Sort Of
Well, today marks the end of The Great Pantry Challenge and it has been a lot more fun and certainly easier to do this alongside others. In reality, living on what is in the pantry is a way of life for us for a whole host of reasons I’d rather not bore you with, so The Great Pantry Challenge will Continue Reading →
Day 4 and 5 – Crockpot Ideas
Day 3 and day 4 of my menu went exactly as planned. However, I do have to admit that my husband’s lunches and our snacks are getting sparse. Hoping a Monday run to the grocery store comes quickly! It is not unusual for snacks to be what sends me grocery shopping, but this time I may have to whip something Continue Reading →
Training the Lunchtime Help
As I sit here writing this post, it is lunch time. Lunch is being made and I am not even in the kitchen. Well then how in the world is lunch being made? It is being made by my awesome children! Yes, if you had not caught on yet…I homeschool my children. I usually purpose to not mention this because Continue Reading →
Managing My Home – Menu Planning
For quite a few years now, I’ve been a menu planner. It became my habit because we needed to save money by buying only what was needed at the grocery store instead of perusing up and down the aisles and filling the cart based on stocking the pantry with whatever was missing. It also began because I do not find Continue Reading →
Rabbit Trails to Stroganoff
My friend, Heather, asked me how to make stroganoff from scratch. Before I do that, let me explain a bit about our family and how we approach food. We do our best to eat food as close to the way God made it. In today’s society, I guess you’d call that organic. We have not always eaten this way, but Continue Reading →