Creative Training

Here’s how training works in our family. When someone misbehaves, two things run through my head. Have I taught my children what I expect of them first or am I just expecting them to automatically know what to do? Have I given them practice at doing the right thing? I also consider the possibility that I may have a heart Continue Reading →

Training vs Discipline

When I was pregnant for the first time doing all kinds of reading and seeking of advice about how to raise my children, my husband and I stumbled on a concept that has molded how we’ve raised our children. It’s called “training”. There is a difference between training and discipline, but I’m not sure that most people realize it. Picture Continue Reading →

Road Signs

I know that my life is way too full right now. I know that Christ called us to live life abundantly, but I don’t think this is what He had in mind. These are a few of the road signs that have been alerting me to the fact that I am living life a little too abundantly lately. I got Continue Reading →

Fueling Up

There was a point in life, not that long ago, that I was popping out a baby a year. I think my husband and I figured out that I was either pregnant, nursing or both for 4 years and 3 months straight. It kind of all blurs together for me, but at some point in that time frame is when Continue Reading →

Backseat Blues

Has anyone besides myself ever heard the word, “Mine!” come out of the mouth of their babe and wondered how in the world their babe learned that? Do you struggle with getting your kids to learn how to share? Do those arguements about possessions always seem to break out in the backseat of your car when you are helpless to Continue Reading →

Hazard Lights

As much as my mind is full of ideas about the future, sometimes I can kind of get lost there. I’m good at that—thinking about how today affects tomorrow, but the problem is that sometimes my head can be so stuck in the future that I miss out on today. Does that ever happen to you? When I had my Continue Reading →

Television on the Road

Now-a-days it’s pretty common to have a TV in the car. Television is everywhere. How is it influencing your child? In our home, we have chosen to pay close attention to what our children are watching because my husband and I understand that what our children view is what they will become. We learned this lesson all too early in Continue Reading →