Dear Church,

Dear Church, As we walked away from the only community we had ever known, we were broken. Let me tell you a little secret I’ve picked up over the last year as we’ve taken a break, rested, healed and looked for His new place for us…in today’s day and age, your website matters. I could list a whole host of Continue Reading →


Receiving the closed doors has been about more than just my daughter’s diagnosis. It’s also been about having every door we’ve ever known in our lives slam shut and create a darkness so deep that we were left questioning everything we’ve ever believed. The past two years have been the hardest we’ve ever been through. When the Church is healthy, Continue Reading →


We recently went on a short overnight trip. This trip was made with much trepidation as we were not sure how our Hidden Treasure would fare in this unfamiliar environment. If it was to be anything like those hotel nights in Eastern Europe or the first few months here at home…well, it was gonna be rough. As bedtime drew near, I laid out Continue Reading →


Our Hidden Treasure seems to have this thing about textures. From the food she eats, to the blankets she will not allow to cover her to the funniest things that bring her immense pleasure. From the very get-go she has been taken with cheap, plastic bead necklaces and bracelets–the more the better. Then it was the bright green scarf made Continue Reading →


I have to admit it. I am the kind of person that either has to do something 100% or not at all. So…I haven’t been doing this blog at all. With a homeschooling family of eight adjusting to a new size, I find our life so full that I don’t have the time to sit and write out long thoughts. Continue Reading →


For those of you who have noticed that I have not updated the blog since we’ve been home…we are still alive. Our Hidden Treasure is doing well, but it has been a looooooong first few weeks together as her transition has been…normal. Her transition has been different and harder than DOP, but yet it is more in line with what Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday!

Today marks the 3rd birthday of our Hidden Treasure. That was one thing that I prayed…that God would allow us to have her in our custody before her birthday. He answered that by allowing us to slide in just in time! What a way to celebrate her birthday–by having a family! Isn’t God cool like that? We’ve spent the day Continue Reading →