Relent. I’ve been thinking about this word and what it means. Chewing on it, rolling to around in my mind for awhile now. Relent- verb (used with object)1. To cause to soften in feeling, temper, or determination.2. To cause to slacken; abate.3. To abandon; relinquish4. To die down; let up Synonyms: change one’s mind, die away, ease up on, ebb, Continue Reading →
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count Thy Ways
The sound of a small airplane taking off wakens me. Realizing it’s only our coffee machine grinding beans, getting ready to brew our morning coffee, I groan, roll over to glance at the clock and notice that the timing just isn’t right. It’s 7:30…our coffee goes off at 7:50 every morning. Something is wrong. When my fog clears, I realize Continue Reading →
Our 2011 Wish List
It’s a little late into this new year to share with you our yearly Wish List which I originally shared with you last year, but I’ll go ahead anyway. I usually try to share it with you closer to January 1, but this year got off to a bit of a delayed start as The Driver’s mom passed away in Continue Reading →
Figuring Life Out – One Thousand Gifts
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Through Their Eyes
“Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle.” – Ann Voskamp As I tweet this out in reminder to myself, I wonder where I will find thanksgiving, let alone a miracle in today. Upon waking this morning, I found my throat on fire and a nose that appears to have sprung a leak. Heap that upon my internal organs that are vexing me Continue Reading →

Dust and Cobwebs
Blowing off the dust and cobwebs from The Mommy Map. I cannot even tell you why they have been allowed to collect here because I do not know, but yet I cannot deny their existence. Maybe it’s time for a bit of spring cleaning–in my heart, mind and blog too. God, in His shepherd-like ways, has been nudging me in Continue Reading →
Shutterfly to the Rescue!
Oh, the joys & struggles of having a large family. Who’d have ever thought that one of the struggles that comes along with the holiday season, that is quickly bearing down on us, is picking just the right greeting card to send out to friends and family? Of course we could send out a letter highlighting our year, but who the Continue Reading →
Is My Prayer Life Sufficient?
I was listening to a podcast from Catalyst recently where Kay Warren was interviewed. She spoke alot of wisdom, but a segment in particular stood out to me, especially in light of my most recent post about what is on my plate. The time I first heard the podcast, was right when my friend Mo and I were contemplating 147SpareMoments. Continue Reading →
Spare Moments
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve written on Mommy Map. I thought for sure I’d have more time during the summer break to write, but apparently God had another plan in mind for me. He wanted me to step away from here and use my time to pour into my children, some of those ways certainly not being what I Continue Reading →
Permission to Speak Freely by Anne Jackson
Recently I had the privilege of obtaining an advance copy of “Permission to Speak Freely” by Anne Jackson. I was given a complimentary copy in return for my review. Here are my brief thoughts on it: I have been anxious to read Anne Jackson’s Permission to Speak Freely because her originating question, “What is one thing you feel you can’t Continue Reading →