Feeling His Pleasure

I still have more that I want to visually modify on this blog (and my other ones too), but it takes time to figure out how to take what I’ve created and place it here on my blog. It’s a slow process for me. I have recently been doing some thinking about what makes me feel “God’s pleasure”–what am I Continue Reading →

Friend of God

I had a good laugh today while I was reading my Bible. I’ve been trying and trying to think of some real life correlation to write about it in its context, but I can’t seem to come up with anything. However, I just had to share this scripture with you anyway. I was reading in Numbers 11:14-15. Moses is speaking Continue Reading →

Head Banging

Sometimes I feel like I am banging my head against the wall. Sometimes I feel like my efforts to teach one child in particular is a wasted effort and I question if she’ll ever get it. I confess that as a result of this daily head banging, I can lose my cool. Many people have told me that I am Continue Reading →

Should-itis Symptoms

Following are some, but certainly not all of the symptoms for Should-itis. If you think that you many suffer from Should-itis, you should consult your Maker. 1) Wondering to yourself what God was thinking when He gave you this child to raise. 2) Crying out to God for much wisdom as to how to raise this child because you are Continue Reading →


I need to tell you something I’ve never shared on this blog before. I just haven’t been brave enough to share it with many people, I’m gonna put it out there today. I am a survivor of Should-itis. I have battled it for many years now, but it is currently in remission. I haven’t been declared “free” of it yet Continue Reading →


Well, I don’t usually do a promo for a product, but I fear I must. I am so pleased with these new water bottles we purchased for our family that I must share it with you! In an effort to encourage my kids to drink lots of water, I have tried lots of different things. We’ve got water bottles of Continue Reading →

Christmas Emergency

To all of those who are still faithful enough to check this blog: I confess I am drowning in Christmas. I have not a gift for even one child in my home yet and I still have yet to sew my “ambitious gifts” for them. So the clock is ticking away and I am wondering if my children will get Continue Reading →