Who is in Charge Here?

Let me ask you a question. Who is in charge in your home? I’m not asking about who wears the pants in the family. I’m not asking about whether it’s you or your husband. That’s another post for another day. I’m asking…is it you or your children? I know your immediate reply will, of course, be that you are in Continue Reading →

Missing the Point

Our newest addition to our family, Daughter of Purpose, is named such because she seems to be the most content in life when she is doing something that has purpose–something that contributes to our family. Typically, her jobs (or chores) each day are to make sure the shoe basket by the front door is tidy and to take out the Continue Reading →

Hair-Brained Idea

Tonight as my kids were watching Charlie Brown on TV, Daughter of Purpose found a stash of toys I had in my room. Obviously by the way it enraptured her, she had not found these as of yet. I just had to laugh, they were the simplest things I’ve ever made. I’m sure you are laughing along with me at Continue Reading →

The Eyes of Compassion

This is a post I wrote from our adoption blog. It really straddles both blogs that I write so I put it on both, but for those of you that read both–this one ends a little differently. I’ve been reading a book called, “The Mission of Motherhood” by Sally Clarkson lately. I’m pretty sure I’ve underlined more than I haven’t, Continue Reading →

Clear As Mud

As I sat in my backyard today, I had a choice to make that was about as clear as mud. We have some construction going on in the back and I don’t know what it is about construction, but with my kids, construction seems to always have “mud” written all over it. Well it’s been about 3 weeks and they Continue Reading →

Enough Said

“Parenting today with the future in mind” is the tagline of this blog. It is such because I am a firm believer in not just surviving each day as a mom, but instead building into my children’s future with each passing day. Not every day cracks up to be that way, but it is the mentality at the forefront of Continue Reading →