The Purpose of This Blog
As I spoke at MOPS last night and I saw a lot of serious faces in the crowd, I realized that when I talk about “Parenting with the Future in Mind”, it can be a such a serious topic. It can kind of kick you in the pants, but I personally like getting that “kick” every once in a while Continue Reading →
Press On, My Friend
As I was meditating on my previous post, I had these scriptures come to mind. They are verses that encourage me often and I thought I’d share them with you in order to encourage you to press on even when you don’t see the fruit of your hard work. Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not become weary in doing good, Continue Reading →
Parenting Is Not For Sissies
As I stood at the counter in my kitchen in my nice warm house and I looked out the window into my wintry backyard at my bare fruit trees, I had this thought. Just like caring for fruit trees is a lot of work, so is parenting. Parenting is certainly not for sissies. It is definitely not for those faint Continue Reading →
A New Road
Well it’s a new year and time for a new road. What road will you be on? It’s resolution and goal setting time of the year. I’m sure there have been the popular ones like exercising more and quitting some habit, but have you done any thinking about your parenting? Have you thought about yourself as a parent and resolved Continue Reading →
The Sweetness of Character
I was reading this article in the new Focus on the Family magazine. The basics of it was that we focus so much on what kids want to be when they grow up–their profession, not what type of person they will be. It really got me thinking and how I want to foster character, not the accomplished tasks in my Continue Reading →
Creative Imagination
I don’t know what is about my Littlest One lately, but he seems to be the subject of many of my posts. He just cracks me up. I read in “The Birth Order Book” that the baby of the family is often the comedian. Well, he’s holding true to his place in the birth order of our family. He’s the Continue Reading →

What Is a Gift?
As I came around the corner, I found my Littlest One putting a bag of unopened Cool Ranch Doritos into a gift bag and getting ready to stuff in some tissue paper to finish up his wrapping job. Luckily, I had one of those “frozen moments” so I was able to think about what came out of my mouth next Continue Reading →

Proof of Purpose
Just this week, I had a little trip down memory lane. Remember that post I did called “Backseat Purpose”? It was about how your children need to feel more than loved. They need to feel that they are needed and have a purpose in your home. Well, I was thinking about that concept as I watched in amazement as my Continue Reading →
Egg Noggin
Just a little laugh from our home to yours. We broke out the egg nog tonight and our kids began talking about whether they remembered it from last year or not and if they liked it. Some of our kids were not sure about this egg nog thing. This is a snippet of that conversation: Child – “Daddy, what’s egg Continue Reading →