Side-Lined Navigator
This Navigator has been side-lined by a headache the size of Texas. She will return to the road tomorrow (she hopes). 🙂 In case you can relate…FacebookGoogleTwitterPinterestEmail
Preparing for Rain
As I sat watching, “Facing the Giants” last night, I heard a word picture that I want to pass on to you. It goes something like this, there were two farmers in desperate need of rain. Both knew they needed to pray…so they did. But one farmer did more than pray. He prepared for the rain. It made me start Continue Reading →
Conversations of the Passengers
So have you ever really taken the time to stop and truly listen to your children and what they are saying to you or one another? Not just those snippets that happen to reach your ears and stand out, but have you really zeroed in on the whole context of what they are saying? I ask you this because in Continue Reading →
The Blessing of Today’s Journey
As I lay snuggled in my nice warm bed this morning, with my husband on one side and my littlest one tucked into the other side, I was inspired to remind you today to relish in the blessings of your children. One of my favorite times of the day is when one of my children (usually one of my two Continue Reading →
Habits of the Passengers
On a daily basis, I recognize that I am being watched. I am setting an example for my children in everything that I do, but sometimes I have to stop and ask myself, “What am I doing to help my children do the important things I do every day?” Maybe the following example will make my question clearer. My children Continue Reading →

The Driver and The Navigator
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The Littlest One and The Working-on-Not-Being-Selfish One
The kids humored me today and let me take these pictures. The one that struggles with selfishness really did not want to take these pictures so this was the best I could get. In case you can relate…FacebookGoogleTwitterPinterestEmail

The Talker and The Mini-Me
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Questions from the Backseat
I don’t know how it is in your house but it sure seems like I used to have to answer questions daily like, “Who gets to pick the movie?”, or “Can I open the garage?”, “Can I go get the mail?”, or “Can I have the Costco receipt and give it to the person at the door?” Now that’s really Continue Reading →
Job Listings
Just to give you a jump start of ideas that you can have your kids help you with around the house, following is a list of the “jobs” my kids do around our house on a daily basis. Clean up their own Quiet Time areaSweep the kitchenCollect the trash from around the house and take it outsideVacuum the Living RoomVacuum Continue Reading →