Just One More Thing
As I sat with a group of moms this week and listened to their conversations I noticed that they were all talking about what I’ve been thinking a lot myself. What commitments will I make or not make for this upcoming school year? This is what I heard one mom say, “Of course I’m going to keep being in charge Continue Reading →
Warning Signs
I think these are some road signs that are trying to warn me. I can’t say I have a ton on my plate right now, but the transition of this new child to our home has been a bit more than I anticipated. One more mouth to feed, clothes to wash, watch over, cuddle and play with. More than anything Continue Reading →
Money-Back Guarantee
Wouldn’t it be great if our children came with a money-back guarantee? Maybe even a 3-year or 30,000 mile warranty or at the very least–a manual of what to expect from this particular “model.” Something–anything, so we could feel like we knew what we were in for. I think that’s what we all want. We want to know that when Continue Reading →
Voices In My Head
Lately my brain has felt like mush. We’ve recently added a new family member to our car along this journey and I feel like I’ve been catapulted right back to the newborn phase. Our new member is 4 years old so it’s not like I’m up all night nursing a baby, but there are a lot of similarities–right down to Continue Reading →

Joy Along the Way
“Internal joy cannot be perceived by children. They need external joy to be seen on your face.” A few months back a friend of mine was speaking and when she spoke the above words, they jumped out at me. It’s from a book we’ve read, but at the moment I cannot remember where in the book it is. I suppose Continue Reading →

Coming back…
Not sure that anyone reads this blog anymore. I think everyone goes to my adoption blog now, but I suppose that my precious new daughter is worth the diverted audience! Well, I just wanted to update this blog to let you know that now that I am back home with my new daughter, I am closer to starting my writing Continue Reading →
Taking a Break
Hello to everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve written. In case you don’t know, in just over a week we are traveling to Russia to visit our daughter that we are adopting. This is purely just to visit her. We will not return home with her on this trip. That glorious day will be 2-6 weeks after we return from Continue Reading →
Something to Chew On
“Life doesn’t get easier, it just gets different.” I ran across this quote today and now I’m chewing on it. Some older, wiser mom said it to me back when I was in that phase of life where I was swimming in diapers and wanted nothing more than to be done with it all. It made me do some thinking Continue Reading →
Setting the Stage
Instead of re-inventing the wheel and trying to craft a story to pass on this information, I thought I would just share the real question from a mother of preschoolers that was asked of me this week and my response. Question:Lately, I’ve been thinking of a way to be more transparent with my kids about my faith. How do you Continue Reading →
“Off the Team!”
I was having one of “those” days a few days back and it caused me to dwell a little more on the things I’ve sacrificed as a mom. This time I wasn’t doing it as a means to think positive. In reality, I was being a martyr because I was having the type of day where I was contemplating selling Continue Reading →