Unfolding His Story Through Her Story – Part 2
As I wrestled and as the kids and I unpacked Isaiah 6, He used my children to encourage me to step out and trust Him. Of course the kids didn’t know any of the dialogue going on in my head, so imagine what I thought when I saw this one morning on Littlest One’s paper: And then imagine my thoughts Continue Reading →
Unfolding His Story Through Her Story
Choosing where to start her story has been no easy task because I believe her story has been written into the fabric of our family for longer than we were previously aware, but looking back…she’s been there. We just didn’t see her until now. In an effort not to bore you with minute details, although some of those are important, I Continue Reading →
Just 15 Minutes
It was supposed to simply be a Saturday afternoon nap. A rare treasure I was relishing in. I was in a drowsy state of slowly drifting in and out of coherent thoughts when I had an epiphany. A light bulb moment. What my Daughter of Purpose needs most from me is to play with her. What? Play with her? Did Continue Reading →
Seeing Gifts
This one right here. This one is my favorite. My favorite gift. Inspired by this post, my kids and I armed ourselves with a stack of these: And began this. A place to visually see what we consider to be gifts in our lives. A place to glance and remember our thanksgiving…and it’s growing. This was just the first day, Continue Reading →
Work in Progress
I am working on some changes to the look of The Mommy Map, but I can only do a little bit at a time. So if it looks funky for awhile, be patient. It will all come together in a few days! While you wait, take a peek at the tabs I added at the top. I’d love to hear Continue Reading →
The Foot of My Stairs
I’m standing at the base of the stairs in our home, patiently watching my daughter… go up the stairs go down the stairs go up the stairs go down the stairs go up the stairs go down the stairs Continue Reading →

Unexpected Vision
“The remedy is in the retina.” – Ann Voskamp Yesterday, as I was talking with the Lord and trying to iron out a few things in which I have been struggling, I shared with Him that I felt like I needed to see more of Jesus in my daily routines. I told Him of how I want to see Him, Continue Reading →
The Power of My Voice
As I sit on the sidelines of the sports field, I am engulfed with the noise of those around me cheering on the players. It is a sea of voices and I wonder if my voice will be heard–why even bother? Yet when I join my voice with the crowd, my child turns and our eyes lock. They have heard Continue Reading →
Digging Out My Weapon of Choice
This is a repost because I need a piece of my own medicine right now. I think it’s funny the way God uses my own writing to meet me where I’m at. Lately, as my mom puts it, I’ve felt like I have a target on my back. The very scripture that has been surfacing in my brain in response Continue Reading →

On this night, as I drive along out in the boon-docks, I see the countryside differently than I ever have before. Maybe the moonlight is different. Maybe my frame of mind is just different. For as long as I can remember, I have always been surrounded by fields of growing things. Much of the produce for our country is grown here Continue Reading →