
As I sat in my chair praying over what was to come in the new year, my thoughts running here and there like wild horses at the fresh, new opportunities, I corralled them in and found myself praying, “Lord, this year, I just want to learn how to be a better pray-er.” Off went my wild thoughts again, conjuring up Continue Reading →

Be Strong and Courageous

Here I am in that place again. The one I find myself in frequently where I’m stressed and exhausted mind, body and spirit. I suppose this is the way of a mother, especially when there’s six young lives to shepherd and a marriage to keep tended to. I’m tempted to check-out mentally and sink into the oblivion of nothingness, but Continue Reading →

Enough Said

“Parenting today with the future in mind” is the tagline of this blog. It is such because I am a firm believer in not just surviving each day as a mom, but instead building into my children’s future with each passing day. Not every day cracks up to be that way, but it is the mentality at the forefront of Continue Reading →